Data DUMP:: winston slaphappy, a data analyst :: BREAKING the video you’ve been waiting for

1 year ago

update 5 ::
update4a ::
update 4 :: watch this ::


UPDATE 2 :: A New Zealand government official has been arrested for leaking secret data to expose the nation’s soaring mass deaths among Covid-vaccinated members of the public.

Barry Young, 56, is employed by Te Whatu Ora – the New Zealand government’s public health agency.

As Slay News reported, Young, identifying himself as “Winston Smith,” released data showing that vast numbers of vaxxed New Zealanders are now dead.
UPDATE 1:: the nz govt are trying to huntdown this whistel blower they know whom he is and censor him for his bravery :: shouts out to people in this video:: this is from a statistician in new zealand winston slaphappy real name not given due to anonymity asked for :: getting the truth out there Liz Gunn is the interviewer enjoy ..... cv Johnny Mnemonic data dump to the world :: F**k the NWO

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