Sony CX900 and Olympus Tcon 14B

9 years ago

Testing Light loss, CA, Sharpness and zoom factor of an Olympus Tcon 14B 1.45 Teleconverter on the Sony CX900. No adjustments were made to the clips they are presented straight from camera. This is a very cheap way to extend the range of your CX900 by a factor of 1.45X. ( From a maximum 672mm to 974mm with adapter). These adapters are found online anywhere between $30 - $100. For an avid nature shooter like myself it is the only way to get more reach from a camcorder. The adapter has an 86mm front filter and 62mm on the back. Therefore no step up or down rings are needed for the CX900. The adapter vignettes to about the halfway mark on the zoom but disappears shortly thereafter. I would recommend this setup for anyone looking for more reach with the added benefit of not losing any light or F stops on the long end. With the CX900's excellent Zeiss lens the footage shot with this converter is still very sharp.

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