Narcissistic Abuse - What They Think or Say Matters Not

7 years ago

Too many people not only get so traumatically abused by people with (untreated) Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, or Anti-Social Personality Disorder to the point in many cases of developing Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This is not the case for all who endure and are hurt by Narcissistic Abuse. Once you realize what is going on, even if still in the stage of cognitive dissonance and/or denial, a mantra to help all along the journey and recovery that will help you to emotionally set yourself free from the Cluster B abusive person that is or was in your life or proximity has all to do with why what they say and what they think matters not at all unless you continue to let it matter. How can that be? It is a choice. It's a crucial choice point that may come many times for some before it is chosen. There really is healing after Narcissistic Abuse.

#narcissistsnopower #nocontact #ajmahari

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