Pac Man 2: The New Adventures (Super Nintendo Version) Original Soundtrack - The Big City Stage

1 year ago

Pac Man 2: The New Adventures (Super Nintendo Version) Original Soundtrack - The Big City Stage

One of my Fav quirky Songs from the Super Nintendo Version of "Pac Man 2: The New Adventures" In japan this Game was known as "Hello! Pac Man" Implying that this was never meant to be a True sequel to the Original Pac Man Arcade

But what we get instead is a halarious Animated "POint and Click" Text Adventure/PLatformer,and a pretty fun one where Pac Man suffers from constant Mentle Dis-order and Abuse!

Anyways,Time for the Yellow Pac-Ster to take a Trip to the Big City where he'll Encounter tons of Burger Stands and Burger Buildboards,but no Ronald

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