NPD BPD Abuse Anger to Action & Boundaries

8 years ago
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Being abused (or have you been abused) by a Narcissist or an untreated person with Borderline Personality Disorder or a person in your life co-morbidly BPD/NPD? Anger is a very healthy emotion for a time.

Session(s) NPD Abuse Recovery:

What very much matters is what you choose to do with or because of your anger. The healthy emotion of anger is a warning to you that you are emotionally over your limits.

You need to implement and up-hold boundaries or new more effective boundaries for your own emotional safety and well-being. No, the ClusterB Personality Disordered won't respect or care about your boundaries.

However, you need to know what they are or what will be healthier for you boundary wise regardless. This, along with healthy anger will help you to (if you haven't already) begin to create some healthy change in and for yourself and then when you are ready in the relationship or situation that you are being abused in. Anger is a call to inner-action of new choices and of new boundaries needed. On-going anger that sees you choose to try to hurt back as you've been hurt or change anything about the ClusterB person hurting you, is futile and only keeps you stuck in your suffering and the abuse.

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