Cluster B's Are Everywhere: Empowerment - Their Tactics Fail

7 years ago
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The more those who are/were the adult child of a parent(s) with Borderline Personality, Narcissistic Personality or Anti-Social Personality Disorder, or who have had relationships with a cluster B or series of them or lots of them in your family of origin, they are everywhere. The more you heal and recover the most you empower yourself and their tactics don't work on you anymore. Then the Borderline, Narcissist or Psychopath has to escalate to try harder to get what they want from you - supply - etc. and it is their problem - not yours. Often we have to deal with friends that just can't understand why as Narcissistic Abuse Survivors and on to Thrivers we go no contact from a family member, or many of you like me, from your entire family and people just don't get it. (content coming soon)

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