The Narcissist Gets Into Your Head

8 years ago

Narcissists and Psychopaths are predators. Why can they so easily get into your head? They choose you before you know what is happening. They charm (the verb) they bait-bomb you, they move so fast which such cunning predatory skill.

Session(s) NPD Abuse Recovery:

None of us are expecting or really prepared for that until you've learned enough with the Narcissist and/or Psychopath in your mind, and head, to see the final play before the final discard when it gets so painful, so dangerous and so crazy-making. They are more in your head than ever just before the final discard or the next if they do a cyclical discard and you will re-engage them. You have the inner-wisdom to know how to see this for what it is and make that the point of action-taking change for you in your life. - Abuse Recovery Courses and Ebooks and Audio coming soon.

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