Abusive Narcissists Out Themselves

8 years ago

Narcissists and other toxic people will always out themselves. The projective nature of what they say of you or others is the insight you need to know who the toxic person and/or Narcissist is. When you observe, and don't absorb, it becomes very, very clear.

Let the Narcissist self-destruct and defeat him or herself. Give them enough rope by disengaging and not being the mouse to their cat and mouse game of abusing you just to feel better. Narcissists enjoy admiration. However, most Narcissists enjoy negative fuel and negative supply even more. They have grandiose fantasies and delusions of grandeur that they are going to control the target because they feel they are entitled to. Little to do they know they lack rationality, they lack empathy, obviously, and they really lack the self-awareness to know that they will out themselves. That's why it is important to stop contact with the Narcissist because anything you say will be used against you in a twisted way and it is also supply for them. Give them no contact and silence and they will suffer more than anything they can do to you - especially if you just observe it and don't absorb it and you simply refuse to be played. Narcissists who get too vindictive always out themselves and they are the last to know it.

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