Codependency is Not The Flip Side of Malignant Narcissism

8 years ago

Codependency is Not The Flip Side of Malignant Narcissism

It has been put forth by a malignant Narcissist online in a Youtube video that Codependents are the "flip side of the same coin" as if they are one side of the coin that has on its reverse side a Malignant Narcissist. NO! This is not accurate at all. It can only be said or equated as such, from a malignant narcissist who has no "other" reference, no emotions, no care for "other" at all in such a way that is tantamount to gaslighting. This person forwards the inaccurate notion that people are codependent are "pathological" just like the Malignant Narcissist is pathological. - Sessions - Contact - Blog - Blog & Podcasts - Online Store

This is a good example of how someone with strong intellectual capacity, being a malignant narcissist is devoid of feelings. There is nothing pathological about codependency. It is not a healthy way to relate and codependents are often in close relationships with those with NPD or Borderline Personality or Anti-Social Personality Disorder. Codependents are not living in a "fantasy" like the grandiose defenses of fantasy of the Narcissist at all.

They are living from a place of unmet need, loss of self, self-sacrifice and a place where they are trying to help, rescue, and fix someone else. Likely someone who is very abusive to them and takes advantage of their compassion and empathy. If you think you are a codependent, it is so important not to accept this totally inaccurate idea that that makes you "pathological" like a Narcissist, that's ridiculous. However, it does mean that you do not have enough self-esteem, or self-worth to put your focus, love, compassion and empathy on yourself and learning to meet your own needs and take good care of yourself while you build much-needed emotional boundaries.

#CodependencynotNPD #ajmahari

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