CDC Garbage Appears Designed To Deceive

1 year ago

I originally uploaded this to my (old) Facebook in May of 2020.

I didn't have a following to speak of so no one really saw it before my account was dinged for daring to question "the science."

I am uploading it again here because Rumble won't delete it or censor me, and although my opinion on some of the content has shifted slightly since spring of 2020, I still believe this demonstrates clearly that there was willful forethought and intention by the CDC to purposefully mislead the public.

The video was originally prompted in the first place because on May 4th of 2020 there was a rumor that had already been circulating for a few days claiming that CDC had suddenly revised its Covid-19 Mortality data DOWN by 30K on one of its website portals.

This wasn't accurate but the rumor spread like wildfire due to it being perceived as a win in the "Covid isn't so bad" camp at the time.

I was then and firmly remain now in the "Covid isn't so bad" camp myself but I realized very early on that there simply was no actual Pandemic and something much more nefarious was going on and so I wanted any "wins" to be based on legit issues with the data and not a misunderstanding.

Well, I should clarify there was no pandemic....until the arm poison was introduced that is.

Anyway, I wanted to address the rumor and more importantly in my humble opinion to address the larger point about the CDC's apparent intentional data manipulation to scare people into complying with all of the unscientific, unconstitutional, and tyranical edicts being handed down from upon low, to include the forthcoming "vaccine" mandates that many of us were already warning about and which the scoffers were calling a tinfoil hat worthy conspiracy theory at the time.

As for the manipulation of the data it seemed clear that CDC was relying on an old but reliable technique that they long before learned with their influenza vaccine sales tactics which also relies heavily on using bogus modeling based theoretical data as "written in stone" (or death certificate) fact, when it has always been anything but fact.

If the Covid data is based on fraud, (and it is), then it's because the flu fraud existed first that CDC was able to do so. The Covid fraud borrowed heavily from the flu fraud (and Venn diagram) playbook selling worthless vaccines to gullible people who will do almost literally anything that the TV tells them to.

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