🚨🚨 Steve Kirsch presents irrefutable evidence of covid vaccine harms in MIT presentation

4 months ago

VSRF Live #104: Exclusive MIT Speech by Steve Kirsch

A New Zealand whistleblower has provided Steve Kirsch with what may arguably be the most detailed dataset proving that the Covid Vaxx has killed millions of people worldwide and more than 650,000 Americans and 12,000 Kiwis (That equates to about the same number of NZ men that died in WW2). If you have the time, I urge you to watch this video and to share it far and wide. If it stops just one person, getting the latest vaccine booster it has done its job. Like many of you, I want to see the perpetrators of these vaxx crimes held to account. Hopefully this is an important milestone for change, or at least an important step towards this goal.

I'm currently editing a highlight reel and will upload it here as soon as it is finalised.

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