Narcissists Don't Want Conversation That's Not All About Them

7 years ago How To Donate & support my work on this channel.

Narcissists need to provoke reactions from you for supply. Narcissists are never really interested in any conversation that is not all about themselves. Narcissists like to hear the sound of their own voice. If they listen at all, they will exaggerate how much they "listened" or "gave you" or gaslight that they were really there for you. When, really, all Narcissists do in a myriad of ways is try to cut you off, talk over you, interrupt endlessly, or just create conflict with being abrupt cause they "can't listen", "I am bored" "What are you talking about?" Even after they take over and monopolize any attempt at conversation they will still one way or another try to claim that you give them no attention, that there is no room for them. What's the matter with you, after all? They will shame you, provoke you, and cut you off. To continue to try to really be heard by a narcissist is self-sabotage and walking over and over into a set-up of theirs to "get you" and get themselves some more supply with no regard or care for how you feel.

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