It's Controversial, but...Jews in Israel, Messianic Church, Trinity, Left Behind Letter, 3rd Temple

9 months ago

This is an urgent letter to Jews and Gentiles, but particularly Jews who are trying to find the truth that will set you free. Even Christians and Messianic Jews are being deceived in the last days, so this tells you how to get saved (or repent and be born again) so you don't get left behind. The twenty-one year old woman reading the letter is from Israel (born and raised) and serves in the IDF, and she loves God and loves her neighbor as herself. We present Genesis, Deuteronomy, Isaiah, Psalms and New Testament verses to compare, and tell you about the coming Third Temple, two witnesses, false prophet and beast and the return of Jesus Christ at the end of the Tribulation. The pre-Tribulation rapture happens any day and hour to take up to heaven those who have repented, trust daily and abide with Jesus Christ, Son of God the Father, and are filled with the Holy Spirit. There's a picture that shows you who the Holy Spirit is as well as a picture that shows the different spiritual gifts. Many believers are "cessationists" (not believing the Bible that says the gifts are for today), and they are going to be in for a shock unless they really start studying the Bible. Get a Bible or Bible app and pause and read the verses on the screens. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open your mind and heart to see what sins you need to confess and be forgiven by the blood of Jesus.

There is sin even in the Messianic congregations that needs to be dealt with including the plague on families that is divorce and remarriage. Whether you ever were a Christian or if you have always been secular or agnostic, your family likely has been affected by sexual immorality (fornication/premarital sex, adultery, divorce and remarriage adultery or homosexual sin). I included a survey of Israelis about gay marriage from 2016. There is no allowance by God for remarriage after divorce as long as your first spouse is still alive. Better to repent and heed the warning to forsake your sins, than to take your chances that you might make it through the seven year Tribulation. You are prayed for. If you already know that you are going in the rapture, would you please pass this on to someone who isn't born again yet? Even if they disregard it, after the rapture, they may be one who makes it in the multitude of Tribulation saints. God bless and Maranatha.
Main channel @Walking by the Spirit Always on YouTube

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