The Borderline Narcissist Couple - Complex Two Way Narcissistic Abuse

7 years ago

The Borderline Personality and Narcissistic Personality Disordered Couple. There are many more of these relationships and/or marriages then most people would think. Each abuses the other - two-way narcissistic abuse. Very much impacts children in these relationships. Often one or both won't even know they are borderline or a narcissist. Their healing paths are double-whammies and very complex. So often either the Borderline or the Narcissist upon the Borderline/Narcissist couple breaking up and/or divorcing will just jump into the next relationship often with some unsuspecting codependent with some lesser but still unresolved childhood issues of their own well into their adult life. This is another reality, this two-way narcissistic abuse, that this very abuse is proliferating significantly and impacting each next generation ever more profoundly than the last several. This inter-generational reality is not known to have a genetic cause. - Sessions - Contact - Blog

#BorderlineNarcissistCouple #2WayAbuse #ajmahari

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