Weber Kettle 22 vs 26 inch? Is Bigger Better? | Ep 89

6 years ago

Join me as I answer your cooking questions on this Tuesday Chat. Click "Show More" below for the questions!

Questions for Ep 89

Brent Diez
Do you inject your briskets?

Jimmy G
Any feedback on the Kingsford wood infused charcoal i.e... mesquite in addition to chunks in the WSM THANK YOU.?

hey troy been smokin brisket for years and i thought i had it down to a science... i just do the probe test and always works fine... my last one i did exactly the same way but it came out so tender that it wouldn't slice ... made great pulled beef lol but a little disappointing.... has this ever happened to you?

Greg Dutton
How would you reheat brisket, pulled pork and pork ribs in the oven without drying them out? Wondering about oven temp and what the meat temp should be? Cheers!?

Smokehouse BBQ
Hey T-Roy cheers to ya, got a tech question, I've started my own channel and the first few videos I made, I had a radio playing in the back ground, not knowing the issues youtube enforces on copy-writes. Well I edited the videos and muted the audio between areas where I was talking, but still you can still here the radio in the areas where I'm actually speaking and it was still flagged, question is, should I do a voice over or just scrap those videos. or do know any magic??

Franco C
Howdy T-Roy from your neighbor to the west in New Mexico. My question involves two of my favorite things, beer and BBQ! While visiting a buddy in Austin, he introduced me to Thirsty Goat from Thirsty Planet and it was awesome!! Have you had that beer? If not I highly suggest it. Also, I have an offset and I'm wanting another cooker with a set it and forget it type ability. I'm torn between the WSM and a Kettle with a slow and sear. Eventually I'll end up with both, but which one would you suggest getting first? Cheers Bro!!

The Root Boy Cooks
I love a good dry hopped ale! My favorite beer of all time is Bell's Hopslam. What's yours? My favorite Weber attachment is the Rotisserie! Rock On T-Roy!?

David B
I like this format. Lots can be learned buy the variety of questions. 22 in or 26 kettle is bigger better? Cheers to ya.

T-Roy, happy day to you. Could you answer me a question about smoking a brisket? How much rub to you apply to the brisket, and ribs. Keep the videos coming. I'm enjoying them very much. I'm smoking the flat on the brisket. Robert, Boomer Sooner!

gordon farmer
Hey troy got a couple of questions for yah! beer or beef broth spritz? Rub your meat or leave it natural? Keep them smokers smoking brother.?

Lasse's Food and Barbecue
Have you ever cooked alligator? I had it in a restaurant recently and have found an importer that has some - but would be interested to know your thoughts?

Yep 57
Question, I use Australian hardwood called iron bark for my smokes which is great for beef but I find the smoke ring can get massive like half to 1 inch thick is that a good thing or over smoked in your book, still tastes great?.

Ivan Poland
T Roy, love the Thursday chats ! Cheers to ya... I occasionally see you running around with a fabulous T Roy Cooks T Shirt and was wondering where I could get one ? (my name being Troy doesn't have anything to do with it)!!! BTW, I did that delicious Meatloaf recipe, Best Meatloaf Ever... Amazing ! Really appreciate all you do, don't stop. And Tuesday cooks and Thursday Chats are great but you not getting to answer all these questions have you ever considered adding another chat day ??? Maybe with a guest ?? Cheers?

Abelardo Arambur˙
Hey Roy, I'm Abe from Lima, Peru. Love your channel, I've learned a lot from your cooking, cheers by the way! I had a question on how to make brisket tender and was wondering if you ever used Papaya or pineapple by rubbing or injecting it into the meat to leverage the enzyme power they have on the brisket? Thank you for the help.?

William Logan
Great Thursday chat T-Roy and I loved seeing you wearing the St. Johnsbury Vermont ball cap. I've been using my Weber Kettle with the Slow and Sear here in snowy Vermont. I've been smoking a variety of meats all winter with mixed results and was wondering should you light the fire at one end of the Slow and Sear and let it burn to the other end, or do you light the entire basket and which method works better? Cheers to ya!?


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