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Liz Gunn's M.O.A.R Snippet Reel #VaxxCrimes

1 year ago

Liz Gunn from New Zealand has in last day released two videos, highlighting some major statistical anomalies in the form of excess mortality data made available to her by a database administrator who has put together a dataset of deaths that appear to be attributable to the Pfizer 'vaccine' rollout in New Zealand. This video is a snippet reel extracted from Liz Gunn's videos.

Sadly the signal-to-noise ratio is quite low in the source videos, so, the process of creating this snippet reel has been quite frustrating. Having said that, I hope that this 21 minute video will give you the essence of what has been presented by Liz Gunn. Links to the original videos are provided below.

Key Points:
~ Data provided relates to the Pfizer vaccine
~ Deaths occurred at a rate of up to 32 percent from some vaccination sites
~ Sites with the highest number of deaths largley ocurred in New Zealand's South Island
~ On a per capita basis, Invercargill experienced the highest number of deaths
~ A very high proportion of deaths can be attributed to vaccines administered by Mobile Vaccination facilities
~ As has occurred world wide, it appears that some Pfizer Vaccine batches were much more deadly than others.

M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)
[Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes]

M.O.A.R Data Analysis with Dr Paul Oosterhuis [Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes]


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