A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon (2001)

9 months ago

A documentary on the evidence which shows that the Apollo 11 astronauts never actually landed on the moon.

Never before in all of recorded aviation has a flying machine worked on its very first attempt, much less the most complicated one ever created, landing on another planet on its maiden voyage and returning roundtrip with a crew that lived to tell, all with antiquated 1960's technology, even though the feat cannot be repeated today, by any nation on earth, with 50 years more technological advancements in rockets and computers, thus failing the simplest of scientific protocols, that of independent verification and duplication.

Religious attachment to this blasphemous lie, clouds most peoples' perception of the deplorability reality, that of a government deception, on a universal scale, to boost domestic morale during a time of unprecedented civil unrest from the vastly unpopular Vietnam War, all during the notorious Nixon administration.

Have you ever wonder why they claimed to have walked on the moon, on the very first attempt (even though, right here on earth, Mt. Everest and the South Pole took numerous tries before success), allegedly accomplishing this amazing feat with very rudimentary 1960's technology (a cell phone has one million times the computing power than all of NASA in 1969), yet 50 years later, the farthest an astronaut can travel from the Earth to the moon is only 1 / 1000th the distance as they claimed 5 decades ago with antique equipment on their very first try?

In this newly discovered, unedited, behind-the-scenes footage of outtakes from the first "mission to the moon", the crew is seen using a one foot diameter model of the earth, from earth orbit, in order to create the false illusion for the television viewers that they are half way to the moon, when in fact, they never left earth orbit, which is exactly the farthest limit that NASA can send astronauts today, with 50 years better rocket and computer technology.

The CIA is even heard on a private, third audio channel, prompting the crew to respond to Mission Control only after four seconds have elapsed, in order to create the false impression of an increased radio delay, so as to appear farther from the earth than they really were.

According to William Kaysing, a senior 6 year NASA contractor for the "Apollo" missions, who had the highest of security clearances, a classified interdepartmental memo rated the odds of a survivable manned lunar mission, on its first attempt with primitive 1960's technology, at only one in ten thousand.

The only way to assure success, and not risk killing the crew on live international television, was an artful bluff by the shrewd Nixon administration, along with their well acquainted counterparts in the CIA.

In his works, Bart Sibrel films himself asking various Apollo astronauts to put their hand on the Bible and swear that they walked on the Moon. In the case of the Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the interaction resulted in Aldrin punching Sibrel, which brought him significant publicity.


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