Alan Wake Remastered [Post Platinum]

1 year ago

For the newly released Alan Wake sequel I decided to go head long into the first game to prepare. For proof see exhibit insanely long review right here. However, for me, understanding the story is only half the battle with games as I enjoy the warm hole in my chest that gets filled every time I see a 100% on my trophy list. If you too have aspirations of attaining such glory, then join me as I recant the harrowing adventure.

To start, the bulk of this game's trophies are of course story related. Things like completing episodes, beating certain enemies, or performing certain actions will earn you probably half or more of the trophies that this game has to offer. After that you also have the game's many collectables, a few tied to challenges, a few tied to difficulty, and some tied to just using different guns x amount of times.

Alan Wake Remastered [Post Platinum]

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