life is not about Waiting for. | Motivational quotes | life changing qoutes

1 year ago

life is not about Waiting for. | Motivational quotes

#motivation #motivationalquotes
These are some of the greatest quotes for life and the building of mental strength.its quotes have been used for thousands of years to help people build a resilient mindset and the ability to stand strong in the storms of life. Philosophers like the Stoics used their Stoic philosophy to change the way they viewed the world around them, and in doing so they changed how they responded to it.

:- We hope you enjoyed this Wise Life Quotes , a lot of work has been put into it.


:- life isnit about Waiting
for the Stom to Pass,
its about leaning
to Dancein the Rain.

:- sometimes being alone
is the best medicine
to your soul."

:- excuses make today
edsier but tomorrow harder,
discipline makes today hard
but tomorrow easier.

:- as long as you are alive
no obstacle is permanent.

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