Delivering Liberty

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There once was a lad named Sean Finch,
Delivering liberty without a single flinch.
With Unity News Network as his loyal crew,
He travelled 'round the UK in his van, it's true.

He roamed the streets, from north to south,
Spreading truth and laughter from his mouth.
No ULEZ fees, he refused to pay,
For Sean had his own alternative way.

He scoffed at the powers that be,
Forcing his own path, wild and free.
No nonsense they could throw his way,
With wit and charm, he kept them at bay.

In his trusty van, he'd zoom on by,
Journalism's rebel, reaching the sky.
Interviews and stories, he'd uncover,
Making politicians squirm and stutter.

But the best part about this Sean of all,
Was his contagious laugh, like a carnival.
Even in the face of corruption and deceit,
He'd crack a joke, making everyone's hearts beat.

So here's to Sean Finch, the messenger of glee,
Delivering liberty with a mischievous spree.
In his van, he writes history's new page,
With Unity News Network as his stage.

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