Our Aim For Our Live Healing Stream...

4 years ago

Our aim

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well and safe during these strange and difficult times...
We have received 100s and 1,000s of calls, texts, emails etc from around the world regarding our healing services.
I have been using my unique Divine Healing Gift at various centers around the country hosting large crowds at our incredibly successful Open Healing Days, many patients receiving instant healings on the day. (check out our testimonials).
Video call appointments are an essential part of our Healing work, it allows us to work with patients around the world who could not travel or attend our clinics. Now like many others all our work is through video call appointments and due to the high volume of inquiries we receive daily, we would like to extend our FREE Open Healing Service to accommodate patients and help as many people as we can worldwide during this Global pandemic.
For those of you not familiar with my work, let me share a little about my Divine Healing Gift.
I have devoted my entire life & attention to the development of this special gift. This Gift gives me the ability to treat all conditions & I make my own diagnosis and treat people accordingly. (I don’t do readings/tell fortunes etc).
My Healing Gift is now more focused on serious illnesses /conditions like treating the visually impaired, treating hearing loss, treating those with brain and spinal injuries, treating children that are nonverbal, treating pain & the cause of pain.
My focus is on working with patients who are deemed incurable.
We have a 1,000 videos testifying patient’s recovery from very serious illness.
We look forward to seeing you all in the near future.
Stay tuned for a date and time of our Live Healing Session. We Will Be Going Live on Facebook, Instagram & Youtube.
Our Hope is that you will benefit from the work we do together.

What the patient needs to do in order to receive Healing during the Live Healing Session:

What the patient needs to do in order to receive Divine Healing
1. Each person that requires Healing, must sit or lie down & tune in to the live video & make yourself comfortable.
2. During the session, you need to think clearly about your illness & feel yourself receiving the Healing.
3. The person must have an open mind and a willingness to get better.
4. It may be necessary to connect to our Healing Session more than once to get Healed. Each person is different.
5. Always remember that Divine Healing has no boundaries, no limitations, no blockages to those who are willing to open their mind.

We offer you our best wishes to your success & may you find the Healing that you are searching for.

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