#fail Beekeeper FAIL! - 23 stings in under a minute. Beekeeper attacked by his own bees.

4 years ago

#BeesAttack #fail For more frequent updates in between videos please visit the Bug Farmer Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/thebugfarmer/

Beekeeper FAIL! This short video is an example of beekeeping gone wrong. This video is an excerpt from my honey harvest video. In this excerpt, I somehow manage to anger the bees and get stung 23 times while running for my life. The bees from the green hive light me up and the pain is immediate. I was fortunate to be stung mostly through my close which prevented the stingers from lodging into my flesh but the bees did manage to get their venom in me so it hurt badly. The bees latched onto my shirt and stuck to me like velcro. It's funny to watch after the fact but getting chased and stung by my own bees was no fun while it was happening. I hope you enjoy the video.

If you are considering installing a sustainable or edible landscape or becoming a beekeeper or starting beekeeping as a hobby this is the channel for you. I will show you everything I learned in my first years of beekeeping and you can learn with me as I experience and overcome the challenges I encounter in my second year and beyond. I will also feature some how-to videos because I am perpetually curious and creative and am always building something.

Thank you for visiting my channel and I really hope you like, subscribe, and ring the bell.

#FAIL #beekeeping #honeybee

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