A Powerful Triple-Punch of Solar Storms Comes | Informal Live Forecast Briefing 29 November 2023

7 months ago

Note: OBS switched my microphone feed to a remote camera mic instead of my lapel mic without my knowledge. That is why the audio sounds distant. Sadly, I had no idea until midway through the briefing that something was wrong. Typically, I sound much better than today!
00:00 Hello and Stream Check
00:46 Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) Forecast
18:50 Solar Storm and Aurora 5-day Outlooks
23:51 Solar Flare and Dayside Radio Blackout 5-day Outlook
25:39 Radiation Storm and Polar Aviation 5-day Outlook
27:26 Post Brief Forecast Q&A
47:45 Deep Dive into Region 3500 and Long Range Forecast
1:01:24 Post Deep Dive Q&A
This live forecast was made by and for patrons of Patreon. Without their generosity this briefing could not have been made.

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