Boomerang Swarm | Honeybee Fall Swarm | Swarm Trap Catch and Release | The bees leave and come back.

3 years ago

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This is a video about a crazy mystery honeybee swarm. I am still not sure if this honeybee swarm originated in my apiary or if this honeybee swarm came from somewhere else. The one thing I do know is I finally caught my first honeybee swarm; kind of. Actually, these honeybees caught themselves and then swarmed again. It was like a boomerang. They left, came back, left, came back, etc...

 If you are considering installing a sustainable or edible landscape or becoming a beekeeper or starting beekeeping as a hobby this is the channel for you. I will show you everything I learned in my first years of beekeeping and you can learn with me as I experience and overcome the challenges I encounter in my second year and beyond. I will also feature some how-to videos because I am perpetually curious and creative and am always building something.

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#beekeeping #swarm #apiary

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