Waffenträger auf Pz. IV, 9.8K Damage, 3 Kills, Siegfried Line - World of Tanks

1 year ago

The Waffenträger auf Pz. IV is a German tier 9 tank destroyer.

Tank destroyer developed in February 1944 on the basis of the PzIV tank. Development was discontinued in favor of a similar vehicle on the basis of the Krupp Waffentrager 12.8 cm PaK 44 of Czech origin. Existed only in blueprints.

The Waffenträger auf Pz. IV is a very similar machine to the Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger. It has excellent camouflage, guns, and a turret, while having absolutely no armor. It also has much better acceleration than the Rhm.-Borsig, allowing it to get into position faster. Its two top guns are upgraded versions of the Rhm.-Borsig's guns, with even more penetration and damage, as well as better accuracy. As on the Rhm.-Borsig, the 128 mm gun has excellent penetration and accuracy, as well as good damage, while the 15 cm gun has exceptionally high damage at the cost of penetration, accuracy, and rate of fire.

Played by: trevorCZ [GORLL]

Outro song: OST World of Tanks

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