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TFS EP. 127 DR. Mark Trozzi

1 year ago

The Wellness Company part 3 with Guest Dr. Mark Trozzi. Dr Trozzi is a advisor to The Wellness Company's Medical Board. He is a veteran emergency physican, critical resuscitation and trauma medicine instructor, medical science consultant, health edcuator and human rights activist.



  • 0/2000
  • Dr. Mark Trozzi is a hero in my eyes. I started following him when I realized something was super stinky about the whole covid agenda. Thanks to him, I did not take the jab. Everyone else in my family did take it despite me raising the alarm to them. They are all paying the price and my Mom is dead. I am so grateful for all his hours and hours of amazing work proving what I thought was correct. I am so sad for my family and friends....some of which I don't recognize anymore due to their personality changes. My eyes are wide open now for what else may come down the pike and I will not comply.

  • What a story. Dr. Trozzi, your name will shine in the textbooks, those that future students will read about this outrageous period in Western civilization. I would expect such things in N. Korea, China, and the like, but not in Canada or the U.S.

  • Yes, but they are so brainwashed they will say, " imagine if I didn't take the shot it would have been so much worse!" Yes, I too was in healthcare and thought there would have been more deaths, the damage is still revealing...

  • The CPSOs need to be dismantled — they were surely well paid by Big Pharma et al to keep up the fake narrative— I believe God’s justice is coming for these corrupt evil people who have poisoned, harmed and murdered millions.

  • It’s like a “Get the Shot Cult” took over peoples minds. Most of my family were clamouring to get the shots, even boasting about getting their next boosters — fortunately none of them are dead yet, but they don’t look well. I attribute their survival so far to the power of prayer, 🙏 but they actually tell me they “believe” in the shots. I find that a very strange belief to have—who in their right mind puts their faith in an unknown experimental drug injection(?!) My family are all professionals who you think should know better and have excellent critical thinking. 🤔

  • Wondering if the TWC kid’s spike support would be helpful for adults too? I am enjoying the benefits of bromelain which is hard to get these days…people are cleaning it off the shelves.