BPD Ex Hoovers - The Siren Song Dance of Deception Replicates BPD Idealization Phase

3 years ago

BPD Breakup and BPD Ex Hoovers - The Siren Song Music of Deception You Fell For In Idealization

BPD Breakups and BPD Ex Hoovers are the siren song music of deception that you feel for before in the Idealization phase. Anything short of full no contact after a BPD Breakup strengths your Codependent denial and will lead you in the opposite direction from the direction you need to take.

My Video: "Borderline Personality Relationships and Dating The Borderline Siren’s Song Is Too Good To Be True" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNB3-d3KYa0

BPD Breakups and BPD Ex Hoovers The Siren Song too good to be True Music of Deception You Fell For Before in Idealization - Stop cycling.

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#BPDBreakup #BPDExHooverDeception #ajmahari

BPD Breakup and BPD Ex Hoovers - The Siren Song Music of Deception You Fell For in Idealization

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