Nokta Accupoint Unboxed and Menu Walkthrough - Super Easy To Navigate.

1 year ago

The Banana finally arrived, the Nokta Accupoint Pin-pointer. I've been hearing a lot of hype about this pin-pointer and I'll be honest, I've heard all the hype before with different pin-pointers from different brands. Most of them turned to be cheap and didn't work as advertised. The Accupoint could be a pleasant surprise. I've only used it a couple of times but so far so good. I like it. In this video, I'll unbox the Accupoint and show you how to navigate the menu system. Believe me, when you see how easy it is to use it, you will be pleasantly surprised.

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If you are looking for one of these Nokta Accupoint Pin-pointers, Legend or anything related to metal detecting I recommend reaching out to our friends at Fort Bedford Metal Detectors and give them a chance to earn your business. Give John or Zack a call at 814-215-1732. They are a great company with fast shipping and great customer service. Give them a call or check out their website and tell them Mental Metal sent you.

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