1 year ago

This is China's version of an automated 'dead' body remover, we have our own version in America, both were created within the last year and a half. Keep in mind, the many factories America has built that turn dead bodies into energy - they claim it's for cattle.. Further, in the last 3 years, at least half of our states have passed laws that allow the disposal of human dead - using acid baths, all very convenient.. Could they be expecting a massive die-off ? A Military Government Census Bural, issued a population projection in 2019 'before' COVID was even claimed to be a thing ! This government census agency found that America's population was going to be reduced from 360 million in 2019 to 96 million in 2025, without giving a reason or explaining why ! Of course, they deleted this information when they started mandating this mRNA and we started linking the census to the kill shot... This census report can still be found on the wayback machine. WAKE UP AND DO SOMETHING

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