6 months ago

David Sorensen:
Let us go back into history a little bit. For many centuries, Palestine was a very peaceful region where Muslims, Jews, and Christians lived in harmony with one another. There was no hatred, there was no war.

Wars and politics are something unnatural, created by higher powers in politics and in the financial world, but these people had no issue with one another whatsoever. It was only when the Rothschilds started investing in establishing this state that hatred was artificially incited between different people groups.

So after centuries of living happily in peace and in harmony, suddenly there was this invasion by forces that are called Zionists or Zionism. Zionism is indeed the philosophy or the movement of people who want to establish a new Israel as the center of the One World government. In order to accomplish their goal, they however had to do one very important thing, they needed the support of the worldwide Christian community. They needed the churches on their side.

So, in the 19th century, before Israel was founded, the Rothschilds worked closely with several people in Christianity and attracted a man called Cyrus Scofield. He was a convicted criminal lawyer, and an expert in fraud and forgery.

He was asked to create a new Bible, the Scofield Study Bible. This was the first Bible in all of history to contain hundreds of footnotes. In these footnotes, a new doctrine was introduced into the American evangelical church, which says that there was to come a new political-military Israel that would be the place where the Messiah would come to rule the world. And they said that that would be the fulfillment of the promise that God had made to Abraham, and that would also be the fulfillment of the promise that Christ would return to earth.

This Bible was then spread all throughout America through the Moody Bible Institute and it became the foundation for the current day evangelical theology. Nobody was aware that this Bible was directly funded by Satanists and that it served the agenda to get Christianity on their side for establishing a new Israel that would become the headquarters of their one-world government.

Again, I know that all this sounds outrageous to many people who have never heard this before, but you can research this and I encourage you to do your due diligence. I've studied this for decades and I know what I'm talking about. But it's very difficult sometimes when you talk to people who are not informed, who have simply accepted a certain mindset, who have blindly believed that, and who repeated it to everybody else without ever doing their research. But all this is historical facts.

The Scofield Study Bible was published by the Oxford University Press, which was owned by the Rothschilds, and this whole theology was first written out by John Darby, whose family owned the most haunted castle in the world, Leap Castle, where 150 dead bodies were found in the Cellars and where satanic masses were held. John Darby used all kinds of occult terms in his religious writings.

Darby was an employee of the Rothschilds, he worked for the East India Company. This Scofield Study Bible literally said that everyone who supported this new Israel would be blessed by God, and everyone who did not support it would be cursed by God.

So, fear and intimidation were used to force Christians to be on their side, and they succeeded. In our time, the vast majority of Christianity believes thoroughly that this new political-military state of Israel is indeed the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham.

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