Hell Let Loose - Cheaters Never Win!

2 years ago

All suspected cheaters are innocent, until proven guilty by, well, no one. It's not a crime to ruin others experiences. So try and ruin theirs. It's only a game after all and there's no other game I'd rather be playing:)

The first section of the clip, was the first missed shot that wasn't a headshot in 3 matches. 8 headshots in 9 shots, at distance. Legendary skills.

This may be a slow paced video, but I felt it was the best chance to take them out 1 by 1, and hopefully find some spawn points along the way.

Anyone notice that Level 1 Rifleman who had a better combat effectiveness score than their Level 269 SL? Come on now.

Anyone remember what it was like as a Level 1 player? I sure do, it was brutal, and stressful, and I had no clue how to spot enemies, not to mention the tom foolery with the graphics aspects of the game.

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