Try To Find The Missing Pair Of Legs In This Picture

6 years ago

This photo is a great brain teaser, and it is no wonder this photo is baffling everyone who looks at it. Check out this optical illusion and be prepared to have your mind blown! This viral gem soon became a hit on the internet and shows a group of six girlfriends sitting on a couch. However, did you happen to notice one quite unexpected feature in this group photo? There are only five pairs of legs in the picture, and yet six faces!

If you look closely at the image, you will notice that it appears as though the third woman from the left is completely without legs, which is weird, right? We know what some of you may be thinking, maybe one of the women simply doesn’t have legs. Unfortunately for us, and perhaps fortunately for her, that is simply not the case. Each and every single one of the girls have them limbs intact.

These girls just happened to take a perfectly-timed photo that had even them wondering what had happened to the one pair of legs that went missing! Confused folks were taking to the comments section with vague ideas of where the legs may be hiding in plain sight, but very few were able to crack the code.

Eventually, the answer was found by manipulating the image i.e. by increasing the brightness and outlining their body shapes, some internet heroes were finally able to crack the code!
Believe it or not, even after the six women arranged themselves on the very couch, in the very clothes, in the very location where the shot was originally taken, the results were still mind-bending. Now that’s a true optical illusion!

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