COVID-19 💉No animal studies performed before they injected billions of people

1 year ago

🚨🚨🚨No animal studies were performed before they injected billions of people with the #Covid #Vaccine - What a disturbing conversation to hear :

“Have you ever seen a #Vaccine that was approved for the public that SKIPPED animal testing?”

— “NEVER, especially not for kids!!”

“From what I’ve read, they actually started the animal testing BUT they stopped because the animals were DYING!? Correct?”😳


“So, the American people need to understand this : You are the GUINEA pigs for this #Covid #Vaccine!!! They never tested it on humans and the animals were dying so you’re the test subjects now”😳

This is a DIRECT VIOLATION of the #NurembergCode !!!!

#CrimesAgainstHumanity #VaccineGenocide #NWO #Illuminati #TheGreatReset

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