“It Only Takes 1%” Christine Anderson On The Power Of The People With Press For Truth!!!

1 year ago

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Christine Anderson is a German politician and Member of the European Parliament who is currently in Canada on a speaking tour because her message of freedom resinates with Canadians, especially in the wake of Justin Trudeau’s handling of the Covid-19(84) scamdemic.

Anderson was appointed to the Special Committee on the COVID-19 Pandemic, and in a July 2022 session she entered into the record a complaint that there had been too much emphasis upon getting experimental gene therapy treatments into healthy people.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Christine Anderson about the global response to Covid-19(84) and most importantly what it might take for the people to successfully resist the next staged plandemic that could emerge at any given moment.

To learn more from Christine Anderson visit:

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