Trent on the Loos-11.29.2023

5 months ago

"Trent on the Loos" is a thought-provoking program where host Trent Loos explores critical issues affecting America. In this episode, Trent is joined by two esteemed guests who shed light on pressing concerns and overlooked health remedies.

The first guest is J.C. Cole from American Heritage Farms. Trent and J.C. delve into the increasing signs of systemic collapse in America. They discuss how these warning signs are becoming more evident, reflecting on the state of the nation and the potential consequences of ignoring these indicators.

Later, Trent converses with Dr. Nathan Bryan about the health benefits of nitric oxide, a topic often neglected by mainstream medical circles, particularly those aligned with pharmaceutical interests. Dr. Bryan explains how nitric oxide plays a crucial role in maintaining good health, offering insights into how natural remedies can sometimes be overshadowed by the pharmaceutical industry's influence on American healthcare.

This episode brings to the forefront two vital discussions: the looming threat of national collapse in America and the undervalued benefits of natural health solutions like nitric oxide, urging listeners to consider both political and health issues from a perspective that challenges mainstream narratives.


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