Biblical Audio Commentary – Israel & the Church – Joined at the Hip in Apostasy

5 months ago

Although many believers today who ascribe to Replacement Theology want to pretend that the church should essentially be the entity referred to in the Old Testament whenever Israel is mentioned, perhaps they shouldn’t be so eager to make that substitution. Although I doubt that few of the pastors and people in this very large segment of the church have actually read the Bible with any real understanding – because they wouldn’t have this belief if they did; in fact, they couldn’t have it - they probably wouldn’t put themselves in this position if they truly comprehended the issues surrounding Israel. After all, if you’re going to take the glorious promises made for Israel and ascribe them to the church, then you should also be required to accept God’s condemnation of His Chosen People for their rebellion and disobedience, along with the extreme punishment that Israel endured for those actions and has going forward. Do you think the church would agree to that if it really knew what it was getting into?

The transcript for this audio commentary is available at my website blog under the post with the same title:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

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