James Burnham on Machiavelli

1 year ago

"... The desires of mankind are immense, and insatiable..."

This is Episode 3 of the GreatInsights Minicast, hosted by StJohn Piano.

This episode contains 7 quotations from "The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom", by James Burnham, published in 1943.

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The quotations are taken from the edition published in 2019 on Amazon Kindle by Lume Books.

Here follow the locations of each quotation in the book:

- Quotation 1: Location 806
- Quotation 2: Location 703
- Quotation 3: Location 721
- Quotation 4: Location 819
- Quotation 5: Location 832
- Quotation 6: Location 125
- Quotation 7: Location 130

- Quotation 1 is slightly altered from the original: Three instances of the word "that" were removed.

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