113. Dr. Michelle Gamble - Unlocking Your Devine Healer

1 year ago

DR. MICHELLE GAMBLE, DN is an author, educator, mentor, and speaker who specializes in assisting persons with chronic illness to transform their health. She is the mother of five adult children and travels globally and around the country speaking and consulting with individuals and groups. Dr. Gamble has been a professional educator for over 25 years and a natural health care provider for over 20 years.

More importantly, she has assisted many people in transforming their health and becoming empowered from previous dependency upon drugs, surgeries, and other medical disease management interventions. Her revolutionary message is: All people have a divine healer within who can break free from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain and suffering to lead happy, healthy, and purpose-driven lives.

Today, she seeks to pass on some of the gifts of healing that were given to her by teaching women and men how to clear their minds, soothe their hearts, uplift their spirits, and nourish their bodies to heal themselves completely and serve the ones they love with passion and vitality.

Professional Accomplishments
Graduated Summa Cum Laude from The City College of New York with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and English with an emphasis on Secondary School Education
She earned a masters and doctorate in Naturology
Board-certified alternative health care provider
She has advanced training and certification in Functional Endocrinology and Blood Chemistry, Colon Hydrotherapy, Childbirth Education and Doula Support.
Certified HeartMath Coach and Mentor
Certified Marriage PREP Facilitator
Completed her training in Brain Chemistry with The Walsh Institute and The Amen Clinic
Completed her coach training in Strategic Interventions at Robbins-Madanes Training

12:02:53 From Kofi Adega To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Tom am certainly coming for cooking lessons!!
12:03:21 From caroline’s Pro iPad To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : I have heard high HDL is not good but is dysfunctional. Mine is 130
12:03:49 From grigsby : The Green Egg is also know as a Kamado Cooker.
12:06:10 From Joel B Peterson : https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=BZqC8&m=j9M_TNPLOaBY1b2&b=DXLwwlQarPuZ8lixEgSEag (https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=BZqC8&m=j9M_TNPLOaBY1b2&b=DXLwwlQarPuZ8lixEgSEag) This is the link to Dr Clearfield’s Tuesday Zoom! 5 PM PAC
12:06:13 From d harshfield : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ujx3Ez7dW8&t=1719s
12:06:20 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://www.youtube.…" with ❤️
12:07:32 From Steve : Tnx Joel
12:08:32 From d harshfield : Here is an interesting link to Dr. Bruce Lipton and is an excellent overview of his take (and mine) on life based on the opinion that we humans are primarily spiritual energy fields that reside in our bodies, just for fun, dlh
12:08:38 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Tnx Joel" with ❤️
12:08:58 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "Here is an interesti..." with ❤️
12:09:05 From Joel B Peterson : Reacted to "https://www.youtube...." with ❤️
12:09:06 From Electron Recycler : Reacted to "Here is an interesti..." with ❤️
12:09:07 From Electron Recycler : Removed a ❤️ reaction from "Here is an interesti..."
12:09:13 From Electron Recycler : Reacted to "Here is an interesti..." with 👍
12:10:04 From Martha Stark, MD : Reacted to "Here is an interesti..." with 👏
12:12:12 From Joy : I agree many of us take way too many supplements and are potentially creating other issues.
12:17:15 From Carol Willis : I love her approach!
12:17:41 From Joel B Peterson : Agree @Carol Willis
12:18:34 From lsmith1 : Liver: frustration, anger, resentment, sense of unmet needs and wants, anxiety in general
12:18:46 From Wayne : Are dried (organic) herbs approximately equivalent to fresh herbs? Also compare store-bought organic herbs & (a more limited number) of organic herbs (FWIW from my organic garden) that I dry in the fall for the winter.
12:19:16 From Electron Recycler : Reacted to "Are dried (organic) ..." with 👏
12:19:53 From Kofi Adega To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Sankofa is a Ghanaian word meaning 'go back and take'. It will be interesting to know why Sankofa .Is Dr Michelle connected to Ghana.
12:20:01 From d harshfield : Dr. Gamble, do you have a patient introductory questionnaire to identify their issues prior to your personal intervention with them?, d
12:20:39 From Lynne Wood : Reacted to "Dr. Gamble, do you h..." with 👍
12:23:48 From Linda Anderson : eye body relationship
12:24:27 From lsmith1 : What do you mean by pre-hab and rehab?
12:24:48 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Her revolutionary message is: All people have a divine healer within who can break free from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain and suffering to lead happy, healthy, and purpose-driven lives.
12:25:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.itavministry.org/about_us
12:25:41 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : www.theholistichealingdoctor.com
12:26:17 From Lynne Wood : I'm assuming childhood trauma would factor in. I'm 75 and my ACES score is 8, and I have lifelong health issues. Thank God, no life-threatening ones.
12:29:58 From d harshfield : Delores Cannon reported similar findings in her practice of hypnotizing patients and studying them based on their past life experiences, a little outside the status quo, for sure, but she was really an interesting spiritual human being, d
12:31:31 From Linda Anderson : ❤️
12:32:59 From Steve : One would need access to the Akashic Records to really know the lessons.
12:33:20 From Nina : Michelle is amazing. She reminds me of many thoughts and insights I have had one the years. Thank you, Dr. Gamble.
12:33:35 From Carol Willis : Parts of the Book of Life can be revealed to us
12:35:16 From Lynne Wood : Reacted to "Delores Cannon repor..." with 👍
12:35:48 From Wayne : Replying to "I agree many of us t..."

12:37:06 From Steve : Replying to "I agree many of us t..."

Guilty! However, everything I take has a direct purpose.
12:37:18 From lsmith1 : I have a brother (father did the same) who had multiple affairs during 2 marriages, he ended up with pancreatitis and became type 2 diabetic over night following the sugar. He is currently trying to hold on to the 3rd marriage. They have separated. My brother is basically continuing, what my dad has done. They have never known the sweetness of a healthy relationships, thus never taught me how a male should treat a female child. Generational trauma....
12:38:08 From Marlene : I so agree, Nina, Michelle is speaking from her heart with a deep understanding of spirituality in our maintaining health and wellness in aging. As I have passed the 80 yr mark, I am more and more aware of the blessings I have had in my experiences positive or negative.
12:38:11 From Lynne Wood : Reacted to "I so agree, Nina, Mi..." with 👍
12:38:38 From Nina : Reacted to "I so agree, Nina, Mi..." with 👍
12:39:12 From Linda Anderson : Dr Richard Massey, MD... Family Constellations… what is the love story.
12:39:57 From Mary : Reacted to "I so agree, Nina, Mi..." with 👍
12:42:21 From Carol Willis : Readiness is so important, often overlooked. A person can be ready at a mental level, but not yet at an energy or soul timing level.
12:42:54 From nareshchand To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Namaste
12:43:22 From lsmith1 : Do you do Akashic Records reading?
12:43:56 From nareshchand To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Sorry to log in a little late. I will review when
launced on your website
12:44:09 From nareshchand To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Thank you Naresh
12:44:37 From lsmith1 : What the issue with having cats in the home as it relate to overall health? I have a bossy cat name, Callie.
12:45:06 From Marlene To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Since I have last had or made time to be here for Mon gathering and learning to see you, I am aware of great looking glasses on you and a much more ready smile and you seemed more relaxed. Thanks for all you are doing.
12:46:45 From Lynne Wood : That is a beautiful story, Dr. Gamble. Thanks for sharing about your son.
12:47:06 From lsmith1 : How is your son now? Is he having to take psych medication ?
12:47:37 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Marlene(privately) : Thank you for your note, Marlene. My son is now an optometrist and said these are the most indestructible….. My #1 priority.
12:48:40 From Carol Willis : In all world religions, the real "battleground" is within.
12:48:47 From Marlene To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Ah, must because of all the bike riding so no accidents that will destroy the glasses!
12:49:08 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Marlene(privately) : That’s it….. besides being absent minded…
12:49:19 From Wayne : Replying to "I agree many of us t..."

I'm guilty too; But I look for those to reduce & am resistant to add
12:49:39 From Steve : Replying to "Do you do Akashic Re..."

I wish. But no. and I don't know of any authentic reader
12:50:20 From Marlene To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : I could listen to Dr. Gamble all day! You definitely need to have her again and part of your team.
12:51:28 From Steve : Replying to "What the issue with ..."

The benefits highly outweigh whatever perceived risks (toxo) IMO......
12:51:51 From lsmith1 : I have a nephew 15 years old that taking psych med and knows when he having a relapse, I wonder if there is anything that can be done to reverse and get him off the medication?
12:53:26 From Louise Vogel : This is SO WONDERFUL that we are having this discussion on this level. THANK YOU Health Revival Partner guys!
12:53:39 From Carol Willis : Replying to "Do you do Akashic Re..."

The person will get their own information when they're ready. Ready not just at a mental level, but at an energy level, the idea of which is confusing until they've experienced it and it's seen as such, in retrospect.
12:53:41 From Steve : Replying to "I agree many of us t..."

I constantly 'change it up'.
12:54:00 From lsmith1 : Do you do Akashic Records reading?
12:55:54 From Marlene : Michelle just mentioned harmonics. I have just completed 2 of 7 weeks of an online course from John Stuart Reid on Cymatics, Sound Healing. Reid started with sound at the foundation of the world, in Egyptian times.
12:56:44 From Steve : Replying to "Michelle just mentio..."

What are his thoughts on 528Hz?
12:56:52 From Kofi Adega : This is excellent. Thanks healthrevival.
12:57:28 From Martha Stark, MD : The heart’s electrical signals are 60 times more powerful than the brain’s – and the heart’s magnetic field is 5,000 times more powerful than the brain’s – I learned this from a course I took at the Heartmath Institute
12:57:32 From Carol Willis : The Revival is here for sure !
12:57:53 From Steve : Replying to "The heart’s electric..."

There are more neurons in the heart than brain... right?
12:57:58 From Doug Leonard : My practice is 'Find Your Health' . I agree with the ancestry of Health and our journey is to find it and be it
13:00:59 From nareshchand : Hi, Smita Chand here (Naresh’s daughter). I just overheard what was being shared and started listening because I listened to something very comparable (re: whole person, disease taking up space) in a brief talk by Dr. Gabor Mate on YouTube called “Trauma, Healing, & the Brain: Community Learning event”
13:01:37 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Thank you. This is why I publish chats = much learning there.
13:04:33 From Marlene : Replying to "Michelle just mentio…"
Positive for use in using a tuning fork at 528 hz. I attended as one of 3 lay people to a medical conference in AZ 2 years ago. One of the sound healing practitioners gave each of us a 528hz tuning fork which we used every start of morning session to harmonize all of the 50-60 attendees. Photos of the conf are at BRMI website or Google ‘Dr James Odell. His newsletters are long and so informative!!
13:05:30 From Shosh Shapiro : Thank you so much. Very insightful
13:05:41 From Steve : Replying to "Michelle just mentio..."

thank you. I use a fork as well. will checkout the newsletters
13:05:43 From Carol Willis : Bring Dr G back any time!
13:06:00 From Lori Graham : Michelle, I am going to reach out to you! How do we contact you?
13:06:20 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Lori...
13:06:21 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.itavministry.org/about_us
13:06:35 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : sankofahe@gmail.com
13:09:02 From nareshchand : Smita Chand again. Trauma (DV) survivor and the fight & flight is so real. 11 years later going to a trauma recovery center. Really want to get the SPECT but I haven’t been able to understand how/if whatever is discovered can actually be changed.
13:09:33 From Lynne Wood : Reacted to "Smita Chand again. T..." with 👍
13:10:00 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Smith Chand - we can effect change. Not the standard of care.
13:10:28 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Smita - spell check change your name on me.
13:10:30 From Lynne Wood : I love what Dr. Harshfield is saying.
13:11:02 From nareshchand : Thank you, Dr. Lewis (so glad I told my dad to join your Iodine Webinar!). 11 years later & with lots of health issues, very hopeful
13:11:08 From Linda Anderson : hugs

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