Are The Great Tribulation And The Day of the LORD Really Interchangeable? Part 2

1 year ago

Responding to an Ariel Magazine article by Michael Nissim's which asserts that the Day of the LORD and the Great Tribulation are one and the same thing.

Links To Referenced Material:

1) Michael's article is here:

2) The Ariel Ministries magazine version can be found here:

3) An archive copy of Michael's Matt. 24 video where he claims that the Parousia occurs at the very end of the 70th Week (cf Mt 24:36) can be found here:

4) The video where he claims that the Antichrist is enthroned in the Temple during and not before the Day of the LORD can be found here:

5) Episode 39 of the Biblical Prophecy Program can be found here:

6) Arnold Fruchtenbaum's contribution to "When The Trumpet Sounds" can be accessed here:

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