"forget what your old self looks like"

1 year ago

welcome 💙

this subliminal has affirmations to make you forget what your old self looked like ( old self meaning the parts of your face and body that you want to change ) so you will ONLY have memories of you looking like your ideal self and only be familiar with your ideal self and basically not recognize your old self so it also has affirmations to get the benefits in detail.

does this have any dangers ?
no, it doesn’t this is practically what happens when you change anything about yourself in with the new and out with the old as they say !

side effects ?
too fast results are the only side effects, I already tried this

the subliminal summed up is:
this is a form of living in the end, the affirmations that make you forget your old self only help you to live in the end. it’s that easy to be honest.

- ideal face [ in detail ]
- ideal body [ in detail ]
- ideal hair [ in detail ]
- ideal face and body skin [ in detail ]
- ideal self [ in detail ]

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