2024 Election Year - Global Changes & Unchanges

7 months ago

2024 Election Year - Global Changes & Unchanges Video: US, Japan & Taiwan Province use the name of democracy as a perfect scheme for corruption. It is a Hollywood show operated by a small numbers of ultra rich. The promises made by political candidates need not be kept after the election. They are just paid actors for the ultra rich to steal from their countries. US is the pioneer legalizing these illegal schemes 2024選舉年-全球的變與不變視頻: 美國日本和台灣省以民主之名作為貪污的完美佈局, 是一塲由少數金主操作的好萊塢秀, 這些金主代理人選舉前的承諾是完全不用負責任的, 他們祇是金主們的一集旗子, 替金主賺大錢的代理人. 美國是使這些非法計畫合法化的先驅.
Complete video: https://youtu.be/XQ8BOMKn7As?si=4dlxbK6AOdkUMEiM

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