Adorable lamb tries to steal woman's bracelet

7 years ago

An afternoon visit to Aldor Acres family farm in Aldergrove British Columbia made for some pretty funny barnyard animal moments.
This short video within one of the pens of some very young lambs shows the curiosity and personalities these little cuties possess . Mama sheep was hanging out at the back of the pen and keeping an eye on here little ones. Sheep are a very social animal. In a grazing situation, they need to see other sheep so keeping a few together makes for the least stressful situation imposed on the animals. Domestication has also favored the non-aggressive, docile nature of sheep, making it easier for people, especially women and children, to care for sheep. Sheep were one of the earliest animals to be domesticated, and they have been thoroughly domesticated. It is doubtful they could survive in the wild, if a predator risk existed.
Sheep have extremely sensitive and excellent senses since they are prey animals. They have very good sight, smell and hearing to help them avoid becoming prey to an animal such as a cougar or mountain lion. The background of Aldor Acres farm is they began 26 years ago with the main crop being pumpkins. Owners Albert and Dorothy(AL-DOR) back then put a sign and a jar at the end of the road back in 1988 and started selling pumpkins on the honour system. Little did they know, it would become a hit. They soon began giving tractor-drawn hay rides to the pumpkin patch and providing an educational, hands-on farm experience for guests. October brings 20 acres of pumpkin patches and 5 acres of petting zoos and animal displays which was the attraction for Brent, Elsas and Sandy's visit this day. "What a fun afternoon at the farm" Elsa and Sandy said .

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