@ = actual anarchism

1 year ago

We have to stop using their money to stop them from pwning us.

Updated version of @ in 1:2. This one is designed specifically to bust up the Michelob Ultra ads for apoptosis. I suggest viewing this repeatedly, at least once a day, until the trauma-based mind-control programming wears off enough to recognize Trumpy-poo and Biden serve the same shadowy string-puller(s.)



Here's the FUNNEST part: NOW that YOU KNOW Natural Law and have a thorough enough understanding of how IT applies to human moral behavior and general human affairs on Earth, YOU can STOP playin the fkn fake god off Mammon BAAL BULL dolla dolla BILL yall One-eyed GREEN god of MONEY game (OMFG They got yall so fkn GOOD with the GOLD hoarding game LOLOL omfg lOLoKlolol omfg lolol some of yall are STILL thinking aliens are gonna come back and want us to give them ALL our GOLD lololol omfg lolokloool. No. Just no.) The whole point was to get us to lead with our hearts and actually show loving CARE for the only GREEN that TRULY matters, GAIA, and CREMATE ALL of that other FIRESTARTER. It's so simple. Anyone can do this: DO what FEELS and THEN you THINK is RIGHT (correct) as if the FALSE god (gold idol [Psyop of the Ages]) MONEY didn't exist. That's it. You can keep using money obviously, but you SHOULD seriously STOP behaving immorally BECAUSE of it. See how that works out. I promise you that you will immediately receive corrections when you're wrong, because THAT's an immutable Law of Nature that you will be able to witness and OBSERVE for yourself IS TRUE! Listen and you'll receive guidance. Consciousness WANTS EXPANSION! OH MY GOD! IT WANTS IT SOOOO BAD!!! THAT'S ALL IT WANTS. The better you get at IMAGINING how to align your WILL with UNIVERSAL EXPANSION of CONSCIOUSNESS, checking if the thought, possible mind-control spell, reptilian-brain response, archontic manipulation or whatever FEELS RIGHT, closely observing the manifestion, and ADJUSTING to CORRECTIONS, WILL determine the GOODNESS or EVIL of the results, every time; the more incorrect, the MORE BADDER, the more correct, the more GOODER, without FAIL, ALWAYS AND FOR FKN EVER AMEN, whether you know it, believe it, or care. Some of you are already being very, very GOOD. 🙏💖🧎‍♂️ Please remember that we're ALL on the same dirt clod in space, and let's see if we can ALL DO EVEN BETTER NOW. Embrace The Sisyphus WITHIN to REIGN in the glorious GOLDEN DAWN of a NEW WORLD ORDER: ACTUAL ANARCHISM

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