🚨Breaking News: AI knows where the universe comes from! Evidence of an intelligent Creator?🪐

7 months ago

Mondblowing presentation. Has AI a proof for the existenz of God, an intelligent creator?
Does AI knows where the universe comes from?

Lets start with a quotation of Albert Einstein, "I, at any rate, am convinced that [God] does not throw dice" [Jedenfalls bin ich überzeugt, daß der nicht würfelt.], by which he expressed his dissatisfaction with the preeminence of probability in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.

People like to belive that Religion is backwards and what you belive in a God? What is wrong with you? If you don’t want to belive in an intelligent Creator, fine. But have you thought seriously about it? And why you want to mock belivers? Don’t just hide behind modern science and where did you got this from, that science says there is no God? Maybe this Video will help you to understand that maybe its not the beliver who is backwards but you?!
You use serious questioning, rational thinking and logic in every worldly question, so don’t stop strangly immediately when its the topic about life, universe, world or the creator!
May God guide you and me and us all!

Many thanks to Marcel Krass
Mostly taken from the presentation in german „kontra Schöpfung“

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