Scottish minister writes to DWP over 'concerning' benefits rules change

1 year ago

UK news: November 27, 2023
Scottish minister writes to DWP over 'concerning' benefits rules change
In this video, we will be discussing a recent development in the UK's welfare system. The Scottish government has raised concerns over changes to benefits rules that could leave vulnerable people without support. A Scottish minister has written to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to express these concerns and call for a review of the changes. This video will explore what these changes are and why they are causing such concern..
1. Scottish minister
2. DWP
3. Benefits rules change
4. Concerning
5. Letter
6. Welfare policy.
🌏 News #News # #BTNews #NewsUK #uk #uknews #England #Englandnews #newsEngland # #Scottishminister #ministerwrites #writesto #toDWP #DWPover #over'concerning' #'concerning'benefits #benefitsrules #ruleschange #changerequest #requestform #formsubmission #submissiondeadline #deadlineextension #extensionapproval #approvalprocess #processimprovement #improvementplan #planimplementation #implementationstrategy #strategydevelopment #developmentinitiative #initiativelaunch #launchevent #eventpromotion"

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