Learn Synthesis with VCV Rack S01E10 - Hearing & Visualizing Harmonics Plus More Useful Tips

6 months ago

In order to truly understand harmonics, it is help for one to be visualizing the phenomena as well as hearing them at the same time. In this episode we take the sine, triangle, square, and sawtooth waves and dissect them. Using a low pass filter with the VCF, we can hear each harmonic one at a time as we pass through them and focus in on them with resonance. There are also other helpful tips int his episode for using BVB Rack, the virtual Eurorack modeling software. We look at how to truly eliminate artifacts that can creep in when playing monophonic sounds and we look at easy ways to copy and enter values from one dial to another so that is is easier to chorus oscillators and transfer values from other settings. At the conclusion of the episode, we make a square bass sound with stereo chorusing that sounds really good.


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