Dr Paul Alexander on Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast

1 year ago

What does Dr. Paul Alexander think about Gene Valentino's GrassRoots TruthCast?

"I'm Dr. Paul Alexander, and what an honor and privilege to be working and speaking on Mr. Gene Valentino's Grassroots TruthCast. What an honor and a privilege to be on the show and I hope I'll be coming back again soon. Look, as you know, I have been one of the contrarian scientists, skeptics out there questioning the validity of the lockdowns and school closures and what this COVID was about and the vaccines.
The vaccines have been very harmful. And of course, a lot of problems societally. We lost a lot societally. We lost a lot in our terms of our liberties and freedoms. And I am one of them in the orbit of Dr. of President Trump. I'm in the orbit because I want him back into the White House for a second.
I think that President Trump will go down in history. He has the chance. Have been the greatest, one of the greatest presidents America ever has. America is the greatest nation on earth and worth saving. She's worth fighting for. And I am on that train to help save America. [00:01:00] And I would like you to support Gene Valentino and his outfit and what they're doing.
And also take a look at my book, Presidential Takedown, and my sub stack, Alexander COVID News. Thank you very much. Hope to see you again."

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