SUPPRESSED SECRET TECHNOLOGIES: Med Beds, Replicators, Free Energy, Stargates & Antigravity

1 year ago

Top secret Advanced Technologies involving; Advanced Healing Devices, Replicators and Free Energy. Featuring Emery Smith and Corey Goode. What does the future hold in store for us?

Emery Smith, U.S. Air Force Surgical Assistant
Corey Goode, Secret Space Program | Black Projects
Professor John R.R.Searl, British Inventor
Dr. Dan Burisch, Scientist at Area 51/ S4
Boyd Bushman, Senior Scientist at Lockheed Martin

What Are Med Beds?

Formerly only available for the elite, super-rich and only dreamed of or whispered about: this powerful, advanced healing technology is actually available RIGHT NOW for regular people.

You don’t need to study a PhD in advanced quantum physics, nor have a degree in Biophotonics or Anatomy & Physiology or even Pathology.


Because of the in-built Artificial Intelligence guiding the system.

These machines can scan, diagnose, and treat – all you have to do is rock up and plug yourself in for an hour or so each day.

Med Beds are truly wonders of modern medicine. They’re heralded as “sci-fi frequency medicine of the future” because they scan, diagnose, treat and even prevent developing illnesses AUTOMATICALLY.

If you’re new to this whole field of medicine, then we’ll take it slow and from the beginning. In this post, we’ll cover:

What Med Beds are
What Med Beds can cure / treat
Who invents and manufactures them (hint: it’s not us!)
How you can buy, rent or try one
1. What Are Med Beds?
If you haven’t already heard of a Med Bed, they are also sometimes referred to as a Medical Treatment Pod, a Holographic Medical Treatment Pod or Quantum Healing Bed. They almost look like MRI machines or CT scanning machines, these huge coffin-like pods that a fully grown adults can lay inside of and receive healing energy.

Med Beds are essentially a bed, pod or cocoon that is a place of full healing and recovery that uses built-in technology. It is suggested that military technology is being used to repair and recover soldiers, and that this technology has slowly become accessible to the public in recent years.

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