Constitution Truths & Consequences (CTC) presents Tom Martz, radio talk show host on KSGF/FM 104.1

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Tom Martz is a husband, father, and business owner. He's a student of the originalist concepts in the U.S. Constitution, specializing in the State Constitution of Missouri. He was handed a CA Constitution on public transit, since then, for 25-years, he has been learning and researching, with a mission goal to get back to the basics of the fundamentals of state government. He is a founding member of 'The Locke and Smith Foundation' having a weekly recurring 1- hour segment for over 12 years where they discuss local and state politics, covering the constitution and the rights of the people. Tom is a State Constitution teacher for Patriot Groups and Home Education Organizations and other various groups in and around the great state of Missouri. He's a captivating local talk radio host on the radio station KSGF/FM 104.1 in Springfield, MO. Being a syndicated radio station: Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Mark Levine, Dana Loesch and Ben Shapiro also have 1-hour slots daily on KSGF/104.1 also. So, join us on what will be a very informative and inspirational program with Tom Martz and myself, your host, Vinzent Cooper. A hopeful candidate for governor of Missouri working with the Constitutional Party for the people.

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