Ep. 42 ~ For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs

1 year ago

Ep. 42 For more than 80 years, the US government has hidden the existence of UFOs. The question is why. The answer is ominous.

Let's entertain the possibility that beings have been encountered yet these beings are not Extra Terrestrial (ET) at all, as we are being told but rather, these are Extra Dimensional beings. What I am saying is that these beings are not from some distant galaxy light years away, they are actually from right here within our own heavenly realm, outside of our dimension, unseen all around us, they are Fallen Watcher Angels disguising themselves as aliens. This controversy is all theater intended to elevate the credibility of the alien disclosure narrative. Once the stage is set, the players are in place and the public belief has peaked, these Watchers will reveal themselves as aliens. This will be the greatest deception humanity has ever seen. There are no Extra Terrestrials, only Extra Dimensional beings, the bad ones who have recently been released from their prison for the crimes they committed back in Genesis chapter six. This whole scheme is detailed more extensively in the book of 1 Enoch. Do your own research.

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